Ho risposto ad un 3d sul forum di suse ...

Hi all,
I hope that this will help to solve this complication...
The trick is choice or kdm , or kdm3 , or kdm4.
I can say that change the theme in kde4 "personal setting > advanced >login manager>theme work just if we change in
yast>system>"etc/sysconfig editor" two line.
Search "kdm" you will found:
1)DISPLAYMANAGER >>> here the default value is "kdm4"
Change it as you want.
So if you want use the old teme of kde3 you have to install in yast>software>softwaremanagement "kdebase3-kdm" and remove "kde4-kdm". You have in additional install "kdm theme manager". This pack can be founded in rpmsearch (install 64bit or 32bit latest version).
At the end in small words you have to say at your system what you want to use like login manager. kdm,kdm3,kdm4.

After this ...

Here you can select/write the name of your theme. (name of the folder)
You can choice to install by hand or with "Theme manager" above.
/opt/kde3/share/apps/kdm/themes/ (for kde3)
/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes (for kde4)
there you have to copy your folder theme. (with no sub-folder)

Reboot and all should be ok.
Just I had to write in a terminal (as root) "nvidia-xconfig" to restore this module. Probably because when I have uninstalled "kde4-kdm" it change something.

For me all this work fine.