Memtest86 v. 4.0

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  1. #11
    Nov 2010


    Originariamente inviato da Vincent Vega
    Oggi dopo un paio di BSoD avuti in settimana, anche senza OC, ho fatto un Memtest e mi pare di capire che sia stato rilevato un errore; volevo chiedere conferma prima di spedirle in Rma visto che non vorrei che il problema fosse altrove, anxhe se ne dubito. E' il Kit di TG Xtreeme 1200 che avevo torturato e che dopo non mi consentiva di effettuare il boot su P5Q Deluxe. Ecco una foto della schermata di Memtest dopo 9 passate (2 Ore) di test:

    Fortunatamente ho l'altro Kit che preservo in specifica per il D.U. così da averne sempre uno funzionante.
    Comunque il Test l'ho eseguito con memorie impostate @ 1200 cas5 con 2.4 volt rilevati con tester (2.35 settati da Bios). Lo stesso risultato si presenta anche con 2.35 e 2.45 volt reali. Per mandarle in specifica ho impostato fsb 400 Mhz, Strap 400 così da escludere il NB, cpu @3600Mhz con 1.25v (anche se 1.24 bastavano ed avanzavano), VTT e vNB @ 1.2 per sicurezza. Le Rmaizzo ?
    ma questa immagine che cos'è il mio memtest non è così, è una finestrella su windows con scritto "all unused ram".

  2. #12
    gibibyte L'avatar di KanGaXx
    Jul 2008


    questo è il vero memtest da dos!

  3. #13
    Nov 2010


    ma serve solo a testare se non sbaglio l'integrità fisica delle ram e basta no ?
    se una ram è incompatibile questo serve a poco vero ?

  4. #14
    Nov 2010


    approposito come si fa a far partire la versione da dos su penna usb ?

  5. #15
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo


    dal 28 marzo 2011 è disponibile il download della v.4.0 di Memtest86

    Change Log:

    • Support for testing with multiple CPUs. All tests except for #11 (Bit Fade) have been multi-threaded. A maximum of 16 CPUs will be used for testing.
    • CPU detection has been completely re-written to use the brand ID string rather than the cumbersome, difficult to maintain and often out of date CPUID family information. All new processors will now be correctly identified without requiring code support.
    • All code related to controller identification, PCI and DMI has been removed. This may be a controversial decision and was not made lightly. The following are justifications for the decision:
      1. Controller identification has nothing to do with actual testing of memory, the core purpose of Memtest86.
      2. This code needed to be updated with every new chipset. With the ever growing number of chipsets it is not possible to keep up with the changes. The result is that new chipsets were more often than not reported in-correctly. In the authors opinion incorrect information is worse than no information.
      3. Probing for chipset information carries the risk of making the program crash.
      4. The amount of code involved with controller identification was quite large, making support more difficult.
      Removing this code also had the unfortunate effect of removing reporting of correctable ECC errors. The code to support ECC was hopelessly intertwined the controller identification code. A fresh, streamlined implementation of ECC reporting is planned for a future release.
    • A surprising number of conditions existed that potentially cause problems when testing more than 4 GB of memory. Most if not all of these conditions have been identified and corrected.
    • A number of cases were corrected where not all of memory was being tested. For most tests the last word of each test block was not tested. In addition an error in the paging code was fixed that omitted from testing the last 256 bytes of each block above 2 GB.
    • The information display has been simplified and a number of details that were not relevant to testing were removed.
    • Memory speed measurement has been parallelized for more accurate reporting for multi channel memory controllers.
    • This is a major re-write of the Memtest86 with a large number of minor bug-fixes and substantial cleanup and re-organization of the code.

    Memtest86 4.0 Release (28 Marzo 2011)

    • Multi-CPU Support! Multi-threaded for parallel testing of memory with up to 16 CPUs
    • Works with up to 64Gb of memory
    • Supports 32 and 64 bit CPUs
    • Supports all memory types (DDR, DDR2, DDR3)
    • Installable from all versions of Windows, Mac and Linux

    download link:

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